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Our goal is to provide our investors with a reliable source of high income, while minimizing any possible risks and offering a high-quality service.


we answer some of your frequently asked questions regarding our platform. If you have query that is not answered here, feel free to contact us.

Guides / Support

If you have any questions or queries that are not answered on our website, please feel free to contact us. We will try to respond to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much.

Support Request

You can contact us today, we are always available for you 24/7

Get Started

Campinco is intended for people willing to achieve wealth and financial freedom but unable to do so because they are not financial experts.

Is it free of charge to open an account?

Yes, it is totally free of charge.

How Is Cooperation With Investors Implemented?

Cooperation is maintained through our live chat feature. Also we have mail service available to answer any kind of query of yours.

How Much Can An Investor Request For Withdrawal?

Deposit and withdrawal are available for at any time. Be sure, that your funds are not used in any ongoing trade before the withdrawal. The minimum withdrawal is $1000.

How To Become Campinsco Investment Partner?

Just follow some easy steps by clicking 'GET STARTED' button and become a part of our community.

Get in Touch !

Campinco is intended for people willing to achieve wealth and financial freedom but unable to do so because they are not financial experts.